Queen durability+endurance was really on point. Fighting over 2-3 hours now,facing a another YC1lvl who hit him most like often, facing Monster Chopper and Pre Exo Sanji attacks.
You can argee that Queen was eating for hours G2/G3+ lvl attacks. At top Sanji new ifrit power in combo of insane speed/strenght/leg power duo exekeleton+haki with Sanji hitting Queen over 11times, that is like getting hit by G4 lvl Ap who also burn your insides!!
And Queen take 11 of them!!
Dude was eating G2/G3/G4 attacks and if he still can stand up, he deserve more hypw for his dura/endurance. Since I doubt many high tiers can tank countless of G2+G3 attacks and at top G4 lvl attacks with 11hits.
As example even Kata was in bad shape after eating 3 G4 attacks, Doffy was almost knocked out, I doubt that these character above could eat all the attacks with Queen tank so far(probably only Kata?).
Pretty sure thought that Queen is not done yet.