What is King’s real name?

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I will never forgive Oda
Completely agree. This goes for most of the fights, Killer's on top of my mind:

- Remove Hawkins from the bath house scene (Soba Mask) and make him appear a few chapters later right after the battle with Zorojuro. Just 2 pages of Hawkins looking at senseless Kamazo on the ground and dropping an arrogant comment about the man's misfortune, then ordering his subordinates to contact one of the Calamity and send him in Udon. Then drop the bomb a few chapters later that the man Hawkins was despising and Kidd was currently crying for was Killer!

- During Killer's 1 panel flashback in Onigashima, when he remembers Orochi handing him the SMILE, could've been given one page of Hawkins coming to see Killer in his jail and bringing Orochi's offer.. handing the SMILE to Killer with his own hands this way.

Now I liked how Killer vs Hawkins went and I'm generally satisfied with most of the fights (Zoro vs King, Sanji vs Queen etc...) but still some little changes/details like the two I mentioned would've increased the hype and the bloodlust of the reader in seeing the Alliance member winning while barely changing the story if not changing it at all. This is true for most of the fights in Onigashima and the root of the problem is always the same: Oda wasting to many panels on the National Prodigees (Tama, Scabbards etc...)
Little changes like that definitely would’ve made the fight satisfying. Some dynamic between Killer and Hawkins or Hawkins and Kidd would make it less random. Even add in a few panels of Hawkins shit talking Kidd to Law or Drake in Act 2.

it’s these small changes, over O’Tama or fodder panels, that would’ve really elevated these fights.
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