What is King’s real name?

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King gets mauled. He ain't Kaido.
Denjiro, Kin, Ashura and Sulong Neko should be enough. Anything above is a stomp.
No one below the Yonkos/Admirals can take on the Scabbards.
Just so we are clear, even though Luffy is a low Yonko tier character, he would get beat too. Same goes for Teach
Overreaction. We don't even know if Zoro's final attack landed with the details given thus far
I'm just hoping the actual fight in this chapter is well-choreographed with actual back-and-forth blows and making it clear when Zoro is upgrading his attacks with ACoC

If it's just like Zoro noticing King's different modes and then one-shotting him with the new attack that would be dogshit
I'm just hoping the actual fight in this chapter is well-choreographed with actual back-and-forth blows and making it clear when Zoro is upgrading his attacks with ACoC

If it's just like Zoro noticing King's different modes and then one-shotting him with the new attack that would be dogshit
Considering there's an explanation of how Albert's fire works I can see a part in the chapter where Zoro uses Foxfire style to snuff out Albert's flames.
If King is defeated by Zoro attack does anybody believe he will return with awakening. King is not Queen. He is fighting Zoro that has a much bigger and more important role in Wano. We even got a flashback with King and Kaido. I don't believe anybody was expecting that. I was expecting a flashback with Queen and MADS but we didn't get it.

We have yet to see zoan DF awakening. I'm not including the jailers because they obtained that power because of the medicine they were given. I'm talking about somebody who naturally obtain awakening.

He would be the perfect candidate. The one thing we can get take from the jailers is their awakening kicked in after they were defeated.

Oda did not have to give Zoro ACoC to use against King. There's a reason for that.
Kaido with awakening is 1 more reason that Luffy will need Zoro to finally defeat this monster, your panel above can't be more clear.
Even if Luffy will defeat Kaido, it will be a momentary defeat due to his recovery speed and toughness. Luffy factually won vs Kaido but the fact taht he can recover so fast, will require someone like Zoro to clearly close the game.
Very disappointed that the Cover story is about the Germa not Ceasar cause if it is about Ceasar it would have been funnier and more interesting since it could have more gags and we could end up back in Punk Hazard to see Monet's and Vergo's body
The Gap will only get bigger

Sanji vs Queen was a Gag Fight. Mr1 would kill Lame ass Queen. Luffy was concious after lucci fight. Zoro same with Mr1 Lanji fell unconsious and they still say its a mid diff ? most boring fight of the raid, when OP ends Lanjiclowns will have no good memories
Lmao sanji ran out of stamina after showing the mightiest blitz in the series apart from kizaru.

Imagine doing that after running around outclassing everyone you come across for 8 hours and then mid diffing a yc2 who you completely dominated the majority of the battle

Then the manga specifically highlights that he'll be out of gas after the blitz is done

Sanji isnt hurt. Sanji needs a nap and maybe some coffee.

Swift diffed again:myman:
It's in the previous one. :goatasure:
I reread it just to make sure i didn’t miss anything. Sanji gets hid by two attack from queen but stands up and doesn’t seem that faced. He disappears using high speed and kicks the shit out of queen. The only stated in the chapter that leads to him fainting is, that he is exausted because of the high speed movements. So if you are trying to sound all smart or anything just say what you have to say. Cuz to me it seem that you are only trying to sound smart and look like you understood something that the rest missed. But you only come across as an arrogant prick.
King doesn’t have flame regen.

He just makes himself indestructible before attacks hit and the flames show up.

He didn’t regen from Rengoku Onigiri, he just made himself indestructible before it hit.

It’s probably gonna be more obvious in the chapter, but Zoro is going to beat King by hitting him while he’s attacking and his defense is down.
He doesn't have to time the flame on his back. He can either turn it on or off.
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King gets mauled. He ain't Kaido.
Denjiro, Kin, Ashura and Sulong Neko should be enough. Anything above is a stomp.
No one below the Yonkos/Admirals can take on the Scabbards.
How the hell would he even sweat? Just keep the fire on his back and spam wing sir slices. King negs those clowns.
Kaido with awakening is 1 more reason that Luffy will need Zoro to finally defeat this monster, your panel above can't be more clear.
Even if Luffy will defeat Kaido, it will be a momentary defeat due to his recovery speed and toughness. Luffy factually won vs Kaido but the fact taht he can recover so fast, will require someone like Zoro to clearly close the game.
I agree Luffy will defeat Kaido but he won't stay down. He will recover and Luffy will acquire assistance defeating (killing) him.

I just hope there's a little bit more the King than what we've seen so far. Those who have received a lot of spring time and it's been an impressive fight. I know we only have a short summary and I'm expecting the full summary to give us much more details. I feel like Oda is either holding King back or cutting him short. He's called the wildfire and we haven't even witnessed him perform any large powerful fire attacks. I'm waiting for him to do that so Zoro to cut it in half.


When were you under the impression this game is..
He doesn't have to time the flame on his back. He can either turn it on or off.
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How the hell would he even sweat? Just keep the fire on his back and spam wing sir slices. King negs those clowns.
Kin can cut fire.

And to spam wind scythes he has to go Hybrid which means no flame.
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