- Chapter 1,035: "Zoro Vs. King".
- Collection of mini-stories for the covers number 25: “Escaping from Whole Cake Island”.
- Queen has been defeated by Sanji's attack.
-Zoro realizes that when the flame on King's back disappears, he moves much faster but his defense decreases.
- King's face is revealed.
- Black wings, gray hair and brown skin, those are the characteristics of the Lunaria tribe. If someone informs the Government about them, they will pay you 100 million Berries.
- Flashback of the moment in which Kaidou and King meet. They were both at a government research facility.
- King's real name is Arbel / Albert / Albel (romanization is not clear yet).
- Follow the battle between King and Zoro.
- King uses an attack called "Omori Karyudon" and Zoro a new attack called "Dragon King of the Three Flames" or something like that.
- The chapter ends with Zoro attacking King.