Thats so fitting too! He would probably be a Taurus IRL too! I was meant to be as well haha. He's definitely got the temperament of a bull in a good way!

Also the Kidd theme is guaranteed and coming VERY soon now! It's all sorted on my end, it just needs to be made and released, be hyped my fellow Kidd stans! I really hope like the end of the Killer vs Hawkins fight with the Tower card reveal, this will send some good vibes and thus hope and luck for Kidd and he will get the glorious Ws that he needs and we want and need him to get!

It also really weird that we're not getting anymore info on what happened with Kid attacking Big Mom's territory and him sinking some of her ships and injuring a commander of hers. I hope it's not Snack and that led Urouge having the advantage to win vs him, I'm hoping it was Cracker with his scar as I think Kid vs Cracker would be a great match up in personality and design but Crackers fighting style is a massive issue for Kid too, although Killer might be of help vs him with his fighting style? The sound scythe style that was able to pass through Kaido's dragon form and hurt him internally?
I'm hoping it was Smoothie that was injured by Kidd and thus that's why Oda had her come to Wano and why her eye is covered up, like that one fan comic of her by someone. I doubt it was Katakuri at all ofc or we would have known about it for a start?