How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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Your headcannon is massive, the guy wasn't serious, so hype too Apoo and Ulti who was able to damage a FS user, c'mon dude be real, ypu wanted to wank Zoro soooo Hard, that in making Zoro having feats that him doesn't showed about.
Stop bringing ulti and apoo who werent even there on the rooftop this is some record cope holy shit


I will never forgive Oda
If meme went all out all homies all acoc all haki no bullshit there wouldn't be an issue
She was giving it like 60% and wasn't even the main one fighting. Meanwhile Kaido's been going 50% max. and he took them all on. All she had to add was Hera and Bigger Mom which is an ambigious PU.
Why not? She's pure garbage and I can't wait until she's removed from the story
I don't wanna add hate onto the Linlin bandwagon. It's already so full.
I hope not, he didnt give oden any advantage, i hope he stays constant
I'm betting he sees Oden in Luffy and this is his chance to settle his score with a worthy opponent.
If Kaido pulls an awakened form then its over:chopoff:
If he has also awakening(most like will counter against Luffy awakening) then Kaido vs everyone in wano like many predict could really happen. I mean this dude is clearly a beast with his drunken mode, that even Snakeman with speed+FS can´t fight him back, that Boundman with even a hit of Over Kong Gun, couldn´t knock him out.
Drunken Kaido is too much, if he even has awakening and combinate it with his Drunken mode, game over bitches...

Replace Kaido with Big Mom and Oda would have shown a lot more from her.

That's the real plain old truth.
I think @Paperchampion23 kinda already said it, Luffy villians always kinda got such threatment, Kaido even more special.
If BM was Luffy enemy(will happen Elbaf, im sure she didn´t fought all out and will have awakening left), her performance would be also far better. It duo she fighting Kid and Law and not face Luffy....
Yeah I know as BM fan seeing how Kaido rocking and then looking back to BM performance, yeah im kinda jealous since BM could at least get the same threatment...
FS being this invincible power was just disproven by Luffy and also funny these people pretend Kaido didn't witness Zoro Hiryu Kaen that almost cut him in half with BM screaming to dodge. How does it make sense Kaido would willingly turn his fs off against same guy. The only logical explanation is Kaido got blitzed by Zoro in Ashura bypassing his fs
Kaido wasn't even serious against Zoro
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