Glad to hear! I absolutely love the Borderlands series too so I'm very happy yo hear that too! It really changes drastically afte the first game too lol.
I will warn you without major spoilers that you will have to fight Orochi 3 TIMES in it but i won't say why due to spoilers ofc.
There is really deep symbolism especially with a certain someone called Yami, ZEHAHAHAHA and it is a hefty game clocking in at 60 hours per run on average?
You will experience
immense amounts of Japanese mythology and aesthetic and musical beauty by far though, its truly a labour of love, passion and pride.
You get to play as zoan form Yamato mixed with Kanjuro too and you will get to meet "Kaido" too and Onigashima too hahahaha!
I keep saying too much buy I fucking love Okami man. When I studied games design at college, I wrote a case study on why Okami is so great.
The music alone is incredible, it really adds LAYERS to the experience tbh! I recommend checking out the Reset song too which was removed from the HD release for some ridiculous reason: