What the best thing in the chap ?

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Gorosei: what is this picture?!!! We didn’t allow this to be published..!! And we told them to get rid of the D in the name too!!
Marine: No sir!! We didn’t receive such an order!!
And that picture is from CP0 agent, Mr.Guernica!!
Gorosei: reprint this!! We cannot let something like this be seen by the world!!
Marine: we..we cannot contact the printing factory!!

Chapter 1053 “The New Emperors”

Gorosei: stop the publication at all cost!!

Morgans: Kuwahaha!!
Look at this mystic appearance!!
Spread this to every corner my workers!!
The last message from the CP agents at Wano before they were lost was “It’s Big Mom’s ship!!”
As if I’ll let them manipulate information right now!! In this currently changing world…facts are the most intriguing!!!

Page 4-5
Morgans: this liveliness!! I’ll never get enough of it!!
Now it makes sense that Luffy, Law and Kidd got the same bounties. The Gorosei tried to cover up all the Nika stuff but Morgans didn't allow censorship.

Morgans is turning into one of my favourite side characters.

He is on no one's side.
【Udon, formerly prisoner mine】
Beasts Pirates: !!

Page 11
Beasts pirates: …..ah….
Babanuki: ugh..
Beasts Pirates: King-san!!
King: ugh..
Beasts Pirates: Queen-san!!
Queen: oahhhhhh!!!
I was staying round on purpose…..
Ryokugyu: I told you don’t do it didn’t I?! Someone in my position can’t afford to be taken down by mere commanders!!
The navy doesn’t have any spare manpower for “clean up” right now you know….and just as I thought, you guys are…!!
Queen: ugu!!
Ryokugyu: aahhh

Page 12
Ryokugyu: I wouldn’t call that booze good…should’ve let it mature more
Den den Mushi: …this is…
Ryokugyu: hey I’m here in Wano
Send a warship over!!
Den Den Mushi: huh?! Oh! Ryokug…
Ryokugyu: Don’t let Sakazuki-san find out about this alright?! Bye

【Marine Headquarter Admiral: Ryokugyu(Aramaki)】

Ryokugyu: I love his style of doing things in extreme ways…
“You did a great job!”…
…That’s what I want him to say to me…after I take this kid’s head..!! Rahaha
Yup, GB definitly didn't fight them. Ladmirals :shame:
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