What the best thing in the chap ?

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Don't understand how some see this as a bad thing for Zoro or Sanji.

King and Queen both embarrassed Big Mom. Zoro while severely injured bested and scarred Kaido in battle. Healed Zoro couldn't beat King. ACoC Zoro beat King in a mid difficult battle.

WCI G3 Luffy and WCI Sanji together blocked/deflected Big Mom's attack. Exoskeleton Sanji beat Queen in a mid to high difficult battle.

Greenbull beat a still recovering/handicapped King and Queen.

Greenbull made Big Mom and Kaido look bad. Not Zoro and Sanji.
Gorosei: what is this picture?!!! We didn’t allow this to be published..!! And we told them to get rid of the D in the name too!!
Marine: No sir!! We didn’t receive such an order!!
And that picture is from CP0 agent, Mr.Guernica!!
Gorosei: reprint this!! We cannot let something like this be seen by the world!!
Marine: we..we cannot contact the printing factory!!

Now it makes sense ......why WG gave only 3 billion to Luffy....and at the same time G5 image in the bounty poster......makes sense....anyways I don't think making G5 image will change anything because other than gorosei (and probably shanks), no one knew about the nika......

The last message from the CP agents at Wano before they were lost was “It’s Big Mom’s ship!!”

Looks like Oda didn't indeed forget about BigMom pirates.....now the question is whether bigmom is there with them or not...

Page 8
【Beneath the Castle】
Hitetsu: are you interested? Nico Robin
Robin: Tengu-san!! How do you know my name…
Hitetsu: these are my collections…aren’t these girl kokeshi dolls cute
Robin: not really
Why are your collections here?
Hitetsu: this is my secret hobby room..
…and also where I was imprisoned for several years….
Robin: imprisoned?! Who are you exactly?! Are you not a swordsmith…?
Hitetsu: sword crafting is something I am talented at, but it’s just my hobby
Since Politics really wears one out..

Page 9
Robin: huh?!
Hitetsu: my name is Kozuki Sukiyaki! The father of Kozuki Oden!!
【Former Shogun of Wano
Kozuki Sukiyaki】

Robin: does Momo-chan…?
Hitetsu: no..nor do I intend to tell him
Though the vassals might have noticed it already…
I was the one who let Orochi took over this country…
To whom do I have the right…to tell them that “I’m still alive”?!
I was barely alive when I escaped from this room……but Oden is already dead and the country changed
I have thought about committing seppuku right then and there…
Robin: Tengu-san!!

Page 10
Robin: it should be here in this country!!
Hitetsu: ?!
Robin: the ancient weapon “Pluton”…
The poneglyph in Alabasta kingdom said so
And indeed it is

Okay so many questions asked by many users before full spoilers have been cleared....as usual people jumped the guns...

Green bull....10/10....

indeed good chapter...excited for next chapters....
Don't understand how some see this as a bad thing for Zoro or Sanji.

King and Queen both embarrassed Big Mom. Zoro while severely injured bested and scarred Kaido in battle. Healed Zoro couldn't beat King. ACoC Zoro beat King in a mid difficult battle.

WCI G3 Luffy and WCI Sanji together blocked/deflected Big Mom's attack. Exoskeleton Sanji beat Queen in a mid to high difficult battle.

Greenbull beat a still recovering/handicapped King and Queen.

Greenbull made Big Mom and Kaido look bad. Not Zoro and Sanji.
Big mom subdued Queen WITHOUT HAKI, HER DEVIL FFUIT AND ADULT MEMORIES at Udon. This does downplay Big Mom, it makes hes more impressive
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