What the best thing in the chap ?

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yeah like dressrosa they get equal credit because they are leaders of alliance
i saw the performance of them they're not even stronger than zoro or sanji let alone equal to luffy
id you think you will see actual rivaly you will be very disappointed in the end they are rivals in eyes of world but in reality they're support of luffy like others
Law and Kid beat someone who is on the same level that just neg diffed Zoro and Sanjis opponents, at the same time.
Green Bull seems like the kind of guy that would just show up and drop a bunch of lore then leave. Each Admiral has been used in very short, direct punches. Aokiji in Water 7, Kizaru in Sabaody, Akainu in Marineford, Fujitora in Dressrosa: they all had hard-hitting appearances, with little wasted screen-time.

I expect Green Bull to show up, fight a bit, eat, plant some shit, then leave. Get it? Green Bull will... leave?

Haha once he leaves he will leave the country full of life and greenery. Probably why he needed some extra nutrients from King and Queen, he is powering up to plant an amazon forest.
Bro, it's the age he even mentions it when he senses that she lost. She is clearly past her prime days. In her hay days she was probably more fearsome than current Kaido. Soulpocus RIP. (That reminds me if they're dead their fruits probably reincarnated somewhere nearby)
also if she used her life span in her hard fights before her actual age is probably even more than WB
even against marco she didn't want to fight her because she didn't wanted to lose more soul power

CoC: Color of Clowns

Rest in Peace and Shine in Light
Her intellect must have taken a hit with age because the younger version of her seemed unstoppable, imagine BM with an actual brain in fights. It's a terrifying thought.
There's a worldline where Big Mom and Kaido both ended up in the Marines. That is a timeline where the pirate era just straight up ended, can you imagine?

I honestly believe Chopper will cure Big Mom's mental illness, but, at the same time, I feel like she is going to die somehow. To me, the New World is about killing off old Yonkou, which Marineford started with Whitebeard to spark the saga. Kaido was defeated by Luffy and will die soon, Big Mom will be defeated by Luffy and eventually die... and I think Shanks dies, too

I don't want that, though. I love Big Mom, I want her to become an ally, since her overall goals are really wholesome and sweet, she's just deluded and fucked up. If she could put reason over emotion, she would dominate in combat.
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