What the best thing in the chap ?

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The remain beast pirates run away, you remember when Yamato say them to stop and run away, these same take over udon and it was the new HQ of the remain beast pirates. Queen and King even got new clothes, had bandages and sake drinking while having fun.
It seems like also few pages are left, the one when they encounter Greenbull and try to fight him>offscreen happen.
7days+lunaria+ancient recovery is not enough?
It is clear that Oda just used them as hypetool...
Cmon stop it, even I as King fan see it what Oda did here, I warn and know that something like this was about to happen.
It's normal bro, it's an admiral front of him. Zoro two or three shotted him. So imagine GB who looks to have even a black blade or at least high lvl of haki.
And king in flameless mode without a wing, wounded, swordless so we don't know how he regenerated himself. Not downplaying what Gb did, but the one who is still resisting is King.
But he is super nerfed.
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