If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
Another reason for why I think they will fight is that IRL, cattle (cows, BULLS, oxes etc.) suffer from an extremely fatal disease called Black Leg. Hmmm... Black Leg.... doesn't ring any bells. So yeah... Black Leg is a disease which is fatal to bulls, which is another reason why I think Black Leg Sanji will fight Green Bull.

90% of that theory seems wack.
BUt this "black leg" disease part is interesting.
Lol because he mixed up the events

Admirals lost...revos went on escaping
He didn't say he was wrong about Admirals not losing.

You guys wanna cope
Noodle, you literally cannot read.

Because un-amed thought the escape meant they neutralized/defeated Fuji and Ryo (not just ran away), but he goofed.

that’s a big fucking difference
That has nothing to do with admirals losing or not lol

to assist you I have bolded the relevant parts of what he said.

"The reason of the strange escape is explained on the chapter, but it all implies Ryu got neutralized and Fuji defeated. By Sabo+The Revos"

Nah guys, i was wrong, i mixed some events. Its not explicitly explained how they escaped.
hope this helps
Admirals lost...revos went on escaping
He didn't say he was wrong about Admirals not losing.
You wanna die on that hill?
Damn I knew you were dumb as fuck but the fact that you insist on the revs BEATING UP both Admirals before freely running away uncontested out of Marijoie is quite impressive in term of intellectual dishonesty :kobeha:

What's Dark Horse investigating? Which Bondola they stole to get down? :kobeha:


We just out here with popcorn watching the flame wars lmaooo.

Seriously though, Zoro/Sanji fans should inherently take the side of Admirals in the debate :kayneshrug:
I'm just tired of the powerscaling lol

Oda clearly doesn't give a fuck

so i just like to fan the flames and have fun watching everything burn

Powerscaling in One Piece is pointless
That's exactly what I expect

Nami will have a pivotal role with her navigation skills, kinda like Robin will have in Laugh Tale and like Zoro/Sanji had in Wano/WCI
Kidd, on the other hand, will be the enemy in his environment
I personally don't see kidd ever being a straight up antagonist at any point but it be cool to get an arc where his ability is really fleshed out

I personally believe that the worst trio all have devil fruits that are deeply connected to the events of the void century so sooner or a later I expect some sort of exposition dive into kidds character/ ability
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