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What the fuck do you need to make a black blade?Shanks has god tier COC,he should have one too.Maybe it is the same as awakening:the swordsman needs to make the blades will the same as his own(synch).
Nope, according to Oda. God tier Haki is reserved for CoC Haki Specialists which Luffy, Roger and Shanks are, and being the freest pirate on the seas, whcih Roger was, Shanks is Currenlty and Luffy will be in the future.

Shanks Vivre Card has him as the freest pirate on the seas, just like Roger was previously.

Luffy's goal's is to be the pirate with the most freedom


Talent is something you make bloom.
Hell be really strong later down the line for sure.
"greatest shogun ever bla bla bla"
Kinda annoying even more "wano wank" right now.

But the lore part is great. We really, REALLY got some Void Century info.
Do people get how massive this is?
And Pluton is really underground basically.

Does it mean that Uranus isn't Momo and Uranus is actually up in the sky? Maybe on top of the red line?.....
Maybe in Mariejois?

I love this chapter. Holy fuck the hype is finally back. I can't believe it.
I keep telling people the deeper we get into One Piece the harder it's going to be to justify Big Mom even being a top tier let alone on par with the Admirals. We didn't even have to wait past Wano for it to start coming into fruition. Things are gonna keep getting uglier for Yonkou/BM stans.
I see Big Mom as an inbetweener. Her in her Prime was a Top Tier. Back when she was 40 and muscular.

But people expecting a granny thats pushing 70, whos done nothing but eat for the last 20 years to still remain Top Tier have lost their mind.


Can't wait to see the panels for that GB confrontation. Everyone looked good there:
- Aramaki was clearly dominant
- Momo held his own and leveled up
- Yamato was portrayed as strong enough to help
- Shanks with the long-distance CoC attack
- Luffy and co. being ready, willing and not worried

It makes Momo and scabbards look able to defend Wano on their own. Makes way for Yamato to leave Wano without worry. Previews Shanks and Ryokugyu as next level monsters. Good story-telling through conflict.


The only one who can beat me is me
Luffy was rushing, climbing stairs. Along with Jinbe, and Sanji. Zoro was rushing too to Rooftop too. Only back then they were interrupted. Luffy and Zoro were rushing but then bite by Queen and slammed down. Sanji was distracted by Maria, Jinbe by WSW, but ultimately they were still in hurry to the Rooftop.

Here against GB, same 4 characters are watching from afar, sitting comfortably. They don't rush.
While it maybe true that they could interfere if things went worse, that didn't happened. Because Shanks scared tf outta GB from picking the new leaf, just like he scared tf outta sea king from picking new leaf Luffy.
I thought CoC was made to scare animals and fodders, never thought it was made to scare Admirals.
Stop it Topi you took an L trolling a bit too early 😂. You got trolled this time with the early leaks, now you're scrambling for something else.

We already knew Shanks and his crew were the ones who made GB back out, this isn't new info. Y'all celebrated the Momo, scabbards vs GB too early.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Even though Aramaki was hyped up this chapter with the way he handled some of the Scabbards and Yamato, it's kind of ridiculous that some users are using this as a way to downplay Kaido.

Aramaki doesn't have time to play around or enjoy a good fight, his goal is to get Luffy which is why he handled his opponents more faster compared to Kaido.

Kaido on the other hand wanted to enjoy a good fight and he wanted to see what the Scabbards can do against him, he was pretty much playing with them and once playtime was over and he decided to get serious that's when he easily defeated them.
Kaido canonically enjoys playing with his food and adjusts his required strength accordingly.
What a chapter

SH just chilling in the presence of an admiral to see if momo can protect wano .

SHP EOS level
Luffy = Roger (PK Level )
Sanji = Whitebeard ( Yonko Level )
Zoro = Mihawk ( World strongest swordsman level)
Yamato = Oden Level
Jinbe = YC1 level
Luffy will be far beyond Roger Level, he will be Roger level in Base WITHOUT HIS FRUIT, and then you add the NIka fruit on top of that.
Factually untrue. Luffy was completely fine with the scabbards having a hack at Kaidou. They were simply failing/failed. Zoro didn't even take getting upstairs seriously until he saw Kiku's arm.

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji are also much much much stronger now than they were at the beginning of the raid. They were most likely letting Momo, Scabbards, Yamato try and handle it out of respect, but monitoring the situation, they'd be ready to back them up no doubt.
Luffy let Retainers fight kaido per plan
He was still rushing to go help them

Here they don't care at all.

Btw GB didn't get pass Momo and co fully
The battle ended in stalemate (no winner) since Momo freed himself anf others

GB :
Fails vs Revos
Beats King and queen
Beats Momo
Restrains weakened retainers & Yamato (who didn't fight)
Runs from Shanks haki
Admiys inferiority to Kaido

:gokulaugh:Only Ws are against handicapped calamities and Momo (who got him back)

GB and Mom 1-1
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