Who's the better troll?

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I don't have any hope of convincing you, but I'm going to respond anyway.

"Going to drain her" is not the same as doing it. There's a reason she doesn't look like she's struggling, because Oda has conveniently allowed her not to fight. Read the text, Yamato not fighting is a key fact in the whole chapter. Without it Momo's little fire blast means nothing.

She's bringing up Luffy because the other key fact is Luffy not helping. It's not because Luffy is needed, but because the plot needs to emphasize that Momo refused Luffy's help.

What happens with Yamato is the only way to have her be at the fight scene and not actually fight.
let me get straight, you say Yamato is not fighting, yet she got trapped. Why she would be captured by greenbull ?

‘’Don’t self defense when someone try to kill you with your logic.

‘’Yamato say she need ouffy and his friend help to defeat greenbull, not Momo.

Momo didn’t stop greenbull, it is shanks and his crew stop greenbull

Has not shanks stop him, Momo and his friends would be dead due his dumb pride.


Lead them to paradise.
No one cares about baby-shaking a Yc1. I’m 90% sure a serious GB or Fujitora can do that based on 1053.

What Shanks just did is way beyond any haki feat Kaido showed. And what did Kaido say again? “Haki > all”?

Isn’t that Kaido admitting Shanks is superior?
Then he thought there is no one in this world that can bring me down, Shanks included.
No one cares about baby-shaking a Yc1. I’m 90% sure a serious GB or Fujitora can do that based on 1053.

What Shanks just did is way beyond any haki feat Kaido showed. And what did Kaido say again? “Haki > all”?

Isn’t that Kaido admitting Shanks is superior?
Kaido himself said no one can beat me and when he lost the war he remembered his words with King when he said "joyboy is the man who will beat me one day" and King said "I don't think he will appear" heck even Killer and Kid called him the strongest + has the highest bounty among the emperors post TS
Shanks is among the few great pirates that can fight him Kaido didn't say he is above him

WB the DF user was on par with Roger the one Kaido hyped as a haki master :jordanmf:
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