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Gorosei Informer

People are forgetting that Hancock's fruit was given to her by CDs to entertain them. It has no special value.

BB going after that and potentially failing is lame as hell.
He might know a lot more about it than they do as he is well researched on DFs, having that book on DFs and such? Unless this is gonna be another stupid gag moment by Oda? Blackbeard just wanting it for typical lecherous pirate reasons?

I'm hoping there's some secret to her DF that would justify him wanting it so much, I mean this is the thing we've been waiting maybe 2 years to find out what he was after? At least 2 years anyway? I think his panel about going after it was after Act 1 or 2 in those intermediate chapters outside Wano?

I mean its weird a love based fruit turns people into stone...why not just make it a Medusa mythical Zoan?

Calm down. You're acting like Hancock's underlings are commander-level or something. Gorgon sisters lost to pre-skip Luffy. They wouldn't have grown so drastically stronger that they'd suddenly threaten Katakuri. Most of the so-called acoa users probably can't even withstand Katakuri's CoC. If they can withstand it, he could still fold them via awakening. Hancock is the only real threat to him, and she's more than likely significantly weaker than him.
Still dick riding, again Katakuri is literally struggling with 4 vet level characters that plus Ceaser. Katakuri wouldn’t not be able to take out an entire country on his own plus Hancock who likely has advance form of Haki. He would be attacked from all side plus he would he pressure by a low top tier character
Couldnt the BB taking Koby have some relation with the SWORD and Kuzan?

Could even be that Kuzan was the one behind It.

About Koby vs Hancock, pretty obvious that he wasnt commanding the fleet and wasnt the main guy send to fight her alone, most likely a VA was in charge and Sentomaru or some other was in charge of the SSG, and they were the main force send to fight Hancock.
Why TF even hype them up as more than a sufficient replacement to Shichibukai, and then hand them massive Ls in their very intro?

Are we supposed to feel any semblance of threat from the WG/ Marines at all? Or is Oda expecting us to laugh at the supposed final villains of the series LMAO?

How are Shichibukai, who except for Mihawk, didn't even have anywhere near the hype of YC1s, all exceeding 1 billion?
FFS Doflamingo, one of the most hyped and built up Shichibukai, was like YC3 tier lol.

What is even this writing?
I don’t know what Odas thinking. Everybody not a pirate sucks apparently
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