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Talent is something you make bloom.
LMFAO, thats actually a really cool idea!

I actually think Vasco might get it because he loves to drink and Boas fruit involves being "love drunk/drunk in ecstasy, emotion, lust or whatever" and thus he might suit it? Plus Sanji can take out his Jinbei fuelled rage out on Vasco instead as Vasco is a blobfish fishman I think? LMAO!

Honestly given the theme with these Lunarian child soldiers, how Sanji and his siblings were made into soldiers in training as children, how Judge was mimicking the shit the WG was doing, Sanjis being confused for being similar to Kings and thus Lunarian related, Sanji calling himself the devil before I think, Sanji having devil/hell themes and coming across like the charming, ladykiller handsome versions of the devil you seem sometimes like in the tv shows Reaper and Lucifer for example lol.

Archangel Sanji incoming? Somehow I feel Sanji is meant to represent the fallen angel Lucifer, the Devil ofc. Cast out from "Heaven", the holy ground and "land of the gods".

Another devil transformation evidence.
I can’t lie, I love @ShishioIsBack

My guy is like “I’m not a Sanji hater, he is one of my favorite characters”

And then will turn around one second later and be like “did you just fucking say Sanji =< Zoro I will fucking track you down
For the record I think Sanji is a garbage fucking character..he was okay pre time skip but post time skip he is beyond piss.

Secondly even if I like sanji that doesn't mean Sanji <= Zoro isn't bullshit.

I like buggy that doesn't mean I'll run around saying Shanks >= Buggy or some stupid shit like that.
LMFAO, thats actually a really cool idea!

I actually think Vasco might get it because he loves to drink and Boas fruit involves being "love drunk/drunk in ecstasy, emotion, lust or whatever" and thus he might suit it? Plus Sanji can take out his Jinbei fuelled rage out on Vasco instead as Vasco is a blobfish fishman I think? LMAO!

Honestly given the theme with these Lunarian child soldiers, how Sanji and his siblings were made into soldiers in training as children, how Judge was mimicking the shit the WG was doing, Sanjis being confused for being similar to Kings and thus Lunarian related, Sanji calling himself the devil before I think, Sanji having devil/hell themes and coming across like the charming, ladykiller handsome versions of the devil you seem sometimes like in the tv shows Reaper and Lucifer for example lol.

Archangel Sanji incoming? Somehow I feel Sanji is meant to represent the fallen angel Lucifer, the Devil ofc. Cast out from "Heaven", the holy ground and "land of the gods".


Honestly this is a good way to get her to join the crew or at least the fight, having a grudge on blackbeard’s pirates for destroying their island

that way if she joins 11 strawhats vs Blackbeard + 10 captains

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

i dont get how people really think doffy is getting power inflation, when power inflation is only for pre timeskip characters
Because people were wrong about Doffy’s power level to begin with

The general consensus was that Cracker > Doflamingo which was always retarded from the start.

Now Crocodile is back at 2 billion and Hancock is defeating top YC, and instead of realizing that they were horribly wrong about Doffy’s power level from the start, you have people who genuinely and unironically think Oda gave characters like Hancock and Crocodile invisible Powerups
because last chapter you realized EoS Sanji is a complete bitch to Mihawk
There's literally was not a single new information to me about Mihawk last chapter that I didn't know prior besides his bounty. Nothing's about him changed for me. I have no idea what chapter did you read.
now you realized EoS Sanji is a complete bitch to Rayleigh too
Nowhere did I mention anything about power, you schizo. I was talking about Rayleigh's garbage ass character.

Shishio, I still don't see you refuting the points about Rayleigh's shit character. If he's not shit, then it should be easy to refute them, no?
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