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Gorosei Informer

"With that, I think a well earned break is in order."
"Till we meet again."

Oda didn't break me, I ALWAYS BELIEVED
Act 4 despite the SHs leaving Wano?


I still think Yamato will find Pluton and release it, piloting it herself or something. Maybe hand delivers it to the SHs and says shes joining finally lol.

But then again Franky has the blueprints for Pluton so its more likely someone else will get Pluton like BB especially.
What do you expect from a crew that ran away from Cp0??

BB pirates represent the real life scummy coward pirates.
Whether he is set to be EOS villain, strongest one or not
You should expect some fuckery among his crew and himself in the future, you'll see what real pirates are!!!
This is just the beginning.
It's not running away. It's strategic retreat... :shame:
How does that show Doffy is second strongest warlord lol?
King low diffs him and Crocodile might be low top tier right now.

Boa low diffed two commanders both are potentially stronger than Doffy
Doffy is pathetic compared to most of the other Warlords tbh. Watch Croc, Hancock, Kuma, Prime Moria, and eventually Jinbe be low top tier, with Weevil and Mihawk even higher

Man was so trash that he was a pirate for 10+ years and didn’t get an invite until he blackmailed the WG into giving him the spot because of his insider knowledge. Luffy + Law only got a combined 1B bounty after beating him, and that’s not even factoring their other actions, such as Law betraying the WG, that could have also influenced their bounties.

I bet the bounties accurately reflect the Warlord rankings

Teach: 4B
Mihawk: 3.5B
Law: 3B
Weevil: over 2B
Croc: 1.95B
Hancock: 1.66B
Kuma: ~ 1.5B
Jinbe: 1.1B
Doflamingo: ~1B
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