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Blackbeard with Hancock's df will be fucking broken. Oda is trying to redpill everyone on the fact that being a BLOATLORD is peak aesthetics.

Maybe being ugly has some effect with the fruit :myman:...wont be surprised oda will just change what the fruit actually does to fit the plot now.
God if those spoilers are real then consider for a moment how offensive it is to Vivi's entire arc with the SHs. Zoro for some reason really wanted Yamato to come along when they have literally never interacted on-screen, meanwhile he never gave a shit when they left Vivi behind.
To be fair their situations are completely different

Vivi stayed behind to repair her broken country. She's royalty and she knows what comes with that

Yamato is staying in Wano even though she wanted to leave previously cause she wants to explore Wano like Oden did. One has no obligation to stay behind and the other one does

They aren't the same
Still fking weird man seeing Blackbeard use heart beams to attack

At least some other crew members should do that
I don't understand why teach didn't take any of the wbp fruits when he fought them in the payback war. They are much better anyway.

Teach vs luffy will be even more goofy now if teach starts using the mero mero
How we all feeling about the chapter

I don't like if BB can still fruits and y take Coby

If Marco joins the crew for the BB fight:steef:
People really thought Oda allocating five currently active devil fruits in a SBS question to Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Franky was just going to be nothing. It seems likely Blackbeard will be around long enough to see at least one of these does happen. My guess is Nami eating Enel's fruit is most likely, then Zoro's sword eating Kaidou's fruit and lastly Usopp.

Hancock doesn't really need a fruit to be able to join the crew. She already has a higher bounty than Zoro and better CoC. Hanock losing her devil fruit pretty much confirms she joins Luffy's crew. Hurrah! Hancock turning Devon to stone pretty much sets up a revenge match for when Luffy's crew faces off against BB's crew.

So assuming Blackbeard wants Hancock's fruit for himself, would this mean the Mero Mero fruit is actually a mythical Zoan? Perhaps it was Rocks D. Xebec's fruit.
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