Going by the Seraphs, I doubt there will be too much religious matter but their whole thing is being personal caretakers of Gods Throne who are inflexibly loyal to God due to being perfectly enlightened. A lot of heat and fire involving them but its more like it representing rousing people and cleansing them through fire.
With how even the Gorosei kneel to Im, I suppose it wouldnt be farfetched to claim Im might as well be like a God.
This also makes sense seeing Mary Geoise has The Domain of Gods as example.
But furthermore, this makes it damning about controlling history and even the Void Century.
Or even moreso, if Im aint just a ruler but is actually meant to be a god like being in status, this begs the question how such reverence came to be. You wouldnt achieve God Like status if you cant back it up.
Even moreso since we also have Celestial Dragons too yet Im may even be above them.