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I was thinking what inflated BB's bounty.

If was it because of the DF's they hunted or something else.

This must be it or for no reason at all lol.
3,996,000,000 - 2,247,600,000 =1,748,400,000

Blackbeard's bounty increase IS BIGGER THAN BOA'S ACTUALY BOUNTY of 1,659,000,000 Berry.

Blackbeard had to do something incredibly crazy to get such a large increase. His bounty increase is almost as large as Crocodile's current bounty, oi.

Why do people think he grabbed her from behind?
To me is because of this:
Boa Hancock uses “Slave Arrow" attack to turn all nearby enemies into stone, including Helmeppo and Vice Admiral Yamakaji. Koby orders the Pacifista to stop immediately because it could destroy the stone statues with its laser beams. Boa Hancock is about to use “Perfume Femur” attack but someone stops her.

In an impressive double page we see that Teach catches Boa Hancock by the neck and that he has lifted Hancock from the ground in front of the Kuja Pirates and Koby (who is next to them). Teach is using the Yami Yami no Mi's powers, so Boa Hancock can't use her powers. We discover their new bounties.
Teach was fighting the SSG in the beach and it changed scenes. Then he appeared in the middle of a different scene.
It looks like he appeared suddenly and grabbed her from behind, lifting her in front of the Kuja.
At least is how it makes sense in my mind. Otherwise he simply blitzed everyone.
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