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I fucking LOVED that. I wish we got like, 3 chapters of them going at it.

Yhwach had that problem too a bit, being lethargic. But i love how he started off as an energetic and hands on antagonist. Shame mid way through TYBW he sat on his ass.

He has his problems but I find him really charismatic. I'd fight for him
The Dialogue between Aizen and Yhwach, those little jabs they throw at each other is everything!

This is the shit that made Aizen a fucking legend.
You have problem with understanding basic sentences, or too much ZKK cope that affected the brain. :suresure:

The guy says Buggy made them obey because of his power, if it wasn't power, then he wouldn't say ''power'', he would say different thing or wouldn't say anything he would simply made them obey.

And you troll still lying about Mihawk's difference here, Mihawk WAS the marine hunter from the beginning, Croc and Buggy just started new. They don't have the marine hunter title, Mihawk has that title. More experienced in HUNTING MARINES. Do you understand this? Or simply too much for your brain? Mihawk has clearly more experience and skills than them in terms of hunting marine, finding marines, he knows how to hunt. Just because you are stronger, that doesn't make you a better hunter. Hunting requires additional skills. This is what your ZKK brain can't understand.

I gave you examples about how Robin has more 2 times of Franky's bounty, or Crocodile having more bounty than Zolo and Sanji as well, which debunks your stupid bounty = stronger logic.

Now, lets return to your initial post, which is ZKKtard level stupid:

Did I show you where it says Buggy stronger? And you try to twist that to another thing? Yes. Are you just going to pretend he meant something else other than ''power''? For sure as you are a ZKKtard.

Do you have problem with reading? Definitely. :suresure:
Mihawk having hunted the marines in the past is doing dogshit to my argument ngl. It still doesn’t change the fact that buggy and others are marine hunting too and therefore get and extremely high bounty. Mihawks reputation as a marine hunter is meaningless when the whole organization is doing the same shit as him. Don’t you get it? Do I need to phrase it slowly for your slow working brain? Yet you still ignored my example β€žwhat if someone is so charismatic that it makes others follow him? Isn’t that power aswell? Doesn’t that fit more to buggy?β€œ
And to repeat it once more robins bounty is inflated since she is only more dangerous than franky and co. She can read the poneglyphs after all. But Mihawk on the other hand is strong and dangerous since he is marine hunting. If buggy was also stronger and more dangerous at the same time his bounty would reflect that which it doesn’t my ape friend. And stop calling me a ZKK tard, I wasn’t a hardcore ZKK cultists like @nik87 I was only believing in the theory since the foreshadowings made sense.
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