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CoC: Color of Clowns

Mink pheromones hitting like the Zaza
Koby managed to somehow block or dodge Boa's DF powers

All the other marines were hit and petrified
He is the only one who wasn't
And he is in the very same place as the others
The only other one who blocked Boa's DF power is Blackbeard but he is using YamiYami as we know
Koby is pure of heart, just like Luffy. This is more Luffy and Koby foreshadowing.

Momonga, a Vice Admiral, had to hurt himself to keep him from falling victim to Boa, while Luffy was able to resist her Fruit naturally.

Same here: Vice Admiral getting turned to stone, while Koby resists it.
One person overpowered an entire race lol.

If it is a weapon then it is a stalemate. But one thing is for certain, lunarians weren't immortal so there is a weakness somewhere that King would know
I am asking where would king find the weapon and also don't you think the final villain won't be able to kill all the lunarians
They probably won't hold anything back. The kids i mean. We'll have to see more from them. But if there are only 1 of each warlord and not a whole army, then they probably beat the commanders. If its a strength in numbers kinda thing, maybe. Quality>Quantity imo.
I think it might effect them like how it effects pacifista when she kicked them... Not by visual obviously
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