Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1064 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Chapter 1064 Egghead Lab Phase
Cover: Kuzan and Augur of Blackbeard pirates

Page 2-3
Teach: Zehahahahahaha!!
You can try but there’s no escape for you!!

Law: Hakugan!! Handle the Polar Tang!
Hakugan: on it!
Law: Shachi! Penguin! We are diving!
Penguin: leave it to us!
Law: “R•Room”!!

Teach: hey this is different from what we gathered!! are those new skills gained from awakening?!! Damn it!

Law: Uwahhhh

Page 4
Teach: Zehahahaha!!!

Heart Pirates: so that is what an Earthquake human’s shock wave is like!!!

Doc Q: ahhh…no!! Stronger are you dead?!
Oh I see..you were a good boy…
Take this!!

Heart Pirates: watch out those are apple bombs!!

Page 5
Shachi: That’s fellas born and raised at the freezing port of North Blue for you!! We’re no jokes!
Heart Pirates: Bold of you to pick a fight with us at sea!! Prepare to sink to the bottom with your ship!
Bepo: Jean Bart!! A sniper at 3 o’clock! Protect the Captain!
Jean Bart: Got it!!

Law: “K•Room”

Van Augur: ….so
They have got good defenses

Page 6
Law: “Shock Wille”
Teach: What the hell is this?!!

Teach: Argh!!!!
Cough cough!!

Van Augur: ……
That’s what you get when you charge in without any thinking…

Page 7
Van Augur: should we pull back to the ship?
Teach: cough
Nonsense! Straight onward is the only way…

Heart Pirates: it’s Blackbeard!!!

Law: all of your commanders are devil fruit users huh?
Teach: Wheeze wheeze
Law: which means all of you have a weakness of seawater!!
Teach: the gain outweighs the weakness…in short that’s what devil fruit is!!

Page 8
Blackbeard pirates: uwahhh!!!
We’re getting attacked from under!! They want to sink us!! Nobody told us they’re this strong at sea!!

Blackbeard pirates: does the enemy attacks scares you…?
Our Admiral is the strongest there is! It’ll be over soon!!

Pudding: If Mama was still alive that mouth of yours wouldn’t be opening again!!
【Big Mom Pirates
Charlotte Pudding】
Blackbeard pirates: Hahaha!! Right now we are literally fighting the guy who killed Big Mom!!!
If old Legends just lay around and take up space, how can the era ever progress?!

Page 9
Teach: “Black Vortex”

Den Den Mushi: Blackbeard of the Four Emperors has made contact with Trafalgar Law!! Location is Winner Island in the New World!!

Akainu: another event that we need to “wait for the outcome”….
What a frustrating job it is….!!
…to be a Fleet Admiral!!!

Page 10
【Meanwhile at Future Island Egghead】
Kuma robot: ……..
Luffy: the Pacifista suddenly stopped moving
But…Bonney.. I’m sure there’s a better choice of age for me!!
【Luffy age 70(of a certain future)】
Luffy: And I get why you didn’t want us to attack but..
If we don’t take care of that fake guy…we’ll be the one in dange…
Chopper: Luffy! watch what you are saying!!
I’m sorry Bonney, it’s just that we have some really unpleasant memories with Pacifista
Jinbe: this is certainly a difficult situation…it’s a clone of what’s formerly a human…I can see why you think of it as a family member
Chopper: by the way can you turn me back too…
Huff huff

Page 11
Jinbe: this is nothing personal Bonney
But what I know about Kuma is that he’s formerly an evil king of Sorbet Kingdom…and he was banished from the land by his subjects, ending up as a pirate

Jinbe: he was also a member of the Revolutionary Army, later arrested by the Marine…and sentenced to life…
But Vegapunk was intrigued by the potential of his physical strength, so in exchange for letting Vegapunk experiment on his body and make clones of him…

Jinbe: he was allowed back on the sea as one of the Seven Warlords!!
Is any part of what I said false?
Bonney: I understand becoming a warlord and participating in clone project…but!!
Being made into a cyborg!! Might as well just say it’s a death sentence!
Who would agree to such terms if everything is clear from the start!

Page 12
Jinbe: that’s true…but sentenced to life…just what terrible crimes did “Kuma the Tyrant” committed…
Bonney: my father was not a tyrant!!

Bonney: and he hated the World Government too!! There’s no way he worked with them! They must have forced it on him!!!

Chopper: a beam saber?!!
Bonney: this must be the scrap yard..where all the leftover parts of Vegapunk’s inventions go
These might be useful…
Anyway, this is murder in the disguise of science!! Father did say he belongs to a special race, but so what?! Is that any reason to experiment on someone?!! Is that any reason to kill someone?!!
Luffy: of course not!!
Chopper: special race??

Page 13
【At Thousand Sunny】
Franky: woahhh!! It’s flying!! The robot is flying!!!
Lilith: This Vegaforce 01 uses the jet engine on its back as the propulsion force, and uses the anti-gravity device to lift itself up
Franky: anti-gravity?!!
Lilith: although the device only works here thanks to the A.C. on the island…but one day I’ll make it useable anywhere in the world!

Usopp: hey watch out for the Kaiju!!
Sanji: what is this, a city of future?!!
Lilith: that’s right!! This is the island where future is created!!

Page 14-15
Lilith: The Future Island, Egghead!!
Above the clouds is the Lab Phase!!
Below is Favirio Phase!! Where the workers and researchers live! Looks like your captain is making a fuss down there too
?: I hope he’s okay…

Usopp: huh Zoro you are not coming? And Brook too?!
Zoro: I’ll be guarding the ship
Brook: me too
Zoro: after all that woman is not trustworthy
Lilith: wha..!!

Usopp: wow!! The ground is like a sky island?!
Franky: Is that so?! This is the first time I’ve ever seen something like this♡ just what is this!!
Lilith: indeed! It’s exactly as you noticed! Thanks to our perfect control using the island A.C, we changed the density of pyrobloin and water in the condensation nucleus, and were able to recreate the island clouds and sea clouds of sky islands!!
Usopp: well I didn’t noticed that much!

Lilith: and this is the entrance to the lab!!
Franky: flashy!!

Lilith: change into lab outfits before you enter! That over there is the changing room!!
Push the lever of the DOM shoe yourself, it’ll fit regardless of your size!!
Usopp: I see….

Page 16-17
Usopp: Ahhhh!! These futuristic outfits really bring the mood up!!!
Nami: so light!! And cute too♡
Sanji: Isn’t this just Hawaiian style?!

Sanji: but it doesn’t matter because Nami-san and Robin-chan are soooo cute♡
Nami: I have never seen these kind of fashion style before♡
Usopp: that’s so cool Robin! You look strong in that!!
Robin: really?
Franky:what about me?
Sanji: you’re just a pervert no matter what you put on!
Franky: Ohhhh stop, you’re making me blush with that compliment!!

Shaka: being a genius…also means you can see your own future….
??: what do you mean, Vegapunk?
Shaka: I…will probably die soon…
??: that’s not funny…don’t joke about things like that!!
Shaka: that’s why I want you to know…
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