What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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I'm kidding, you're probably not as big as you act online.
??? I was kidding too

But no i am stupid online on purpose because it’s fun

I’m a normal chill gamer dude who watches anime and owns no firearms and wouldn’t do something stupid that could have me locked up

Only thing tough ab me irl is the fact i can fight and I’m not a pushover that’s all
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He didn' give enma control rather he took control over the sword after that fb he figured out how much haki he needed to supply it to meet it's standards. This panel is proof Zoro was in full control over how much haki he was exuding nice try crediting that to enma. Again Enma ability is drawing out the user Ryuo in other words the users CoA. Don't know how many times this need to be repeated

Kozaburo explained in the fb master swordsman bends the blade to their will, exactly what Zoro was doing after that fb it's same lesson Zoro learned from Kyoshiro

Enma managed to drain his CoA a lot before he mastered it which is why he mentioned being low on haki. Zoro manged to show he could coat all 3 of his swords in adcoc in case you are pretending you didn't see him coat sandai alone when he used bird dance. If Enma was only reason he could do it like you are implying this panel wouldn't exist. Oda would draw Zoro coating just Enma every time he used adcoc try again
Why are you leaving out the full panel lol?

He says that is how it's meant to be. Ie, giving enma all his haki so it can out put it. He does that. And that's what pleases enma. By doing so, he is able to unleash much more haki than he would have been able to without enma. That leads him to getting advcoc on his swords.

The all swords thing, once enma is releasing his advcoc, it's not hard for him to Transfer it to the other swords. And he didn't do bird lance with both hands while he kept enma and wado sheathed. He did it while still holding enma.

I didn't and have not said that only enma is able to use advcoc lol. What I said was, he wouldn't have unlocked advcoc without enma. Enma is a very special sword. A magical sword if you will. That let zoro unlock a power up he didn't have to learn or work towards or even know about until then.

Zoro himself says that he doesn't have much time and "this sword will kill me"

Why do you think he says that?
Because enma is sucking out his haki for him to be able to even use advcoc.

Enma allowed zoro to even have a chance in that fight. He wasn't doing any damage at all before he had that flashback and let enma do as it pleased lol.

Enma is something special anyway you look at it. It allowed him to unlock advcoc. Without it, he wouldn't have been able to unlock advcoc there. He might have learned it on his own after some time. But it would take much more time and effort than that.

So, he gets a super crazy powerup thanks to a practically sentient sword.
But yeah sure, zoro unlocked advcoc on his own and could totally do it without enma there... /s

I don't know why you guys are even denying this at this point. Every one is getting asspulls and powerups left and right. But I guess you guys wanna pretend zoro got here by himself or something. That it was all his effort. When that's clearly not the case.
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