Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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20 founding countries vs 1 technological advanced country.

Makes sense why the world government won.
This just hyped up EOS Franky, he’ll be the ancient kingdoms strength combined.
it doesn't actually, ancient kingdom had wano as an ally, at least 2 anicent weapons, sun god devil fruit and probably the all devil fruits, zounisha

the world government were the underdogs in the war
Btw, it's clearly confirmed that Germa is one of the 20 founding countries. After the WCI incident, Judge loses his privilege to attend Reverie which is a meeting of 20 countries and the WG. @Kurozumi Seven7 @AkagamiNoVinsmoke
it's not actually

remember the 20 kingdoms royal families became celestial dragon while only alabasta stayed so everyone at the reverie isn't from the 20 kingdoms

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!🐍
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