Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1066 Spoilers Discussion

What "deceased" character is coming back next?

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Formerly Seth

Then drop the series?why is that so hard for some people?

Literally bro all your posts are you complaining about your dislike of the series yet you’re here every week doing the same shit…..how is constantly shitting on a series every week not boring?
You should drop too. Sanji is shit and he is never going to be strongest like your three piece ass imagines him to be.

Quality of this manga hasn't improved and I will talk about it, meanwhile you can keep crying in your corner begging Oda to give Sanji some of Zoro's feats.


You missed the Void Century talk? It takes up quite a bit of the chapter

Maybe there weren't enough haki clashes in it to really hammer down the serious tone ig
I call CD using humans as slaves in reverie arc serious and dark. I call sakazuki taking down whole ship of innocent people serious and dark. I call zou people protecting Raizo while sacrificing themselves serious.

I never once said this chapter lacks haki flash or even a fighting sequence. That's just your prejudice.


I guess Sanji is bisexual, what do you think about Zoro? Is he gay but too tsundere to show his love for him? Zoro didn't even pay attention to the most beautiful woman in Wano nor Perona
He's more or less asexual. Bro isn't attracted to any gender. He got his goal as main priority like luffy. And many top tiers in one piece world. Top tiers barely care about there's sexuality to begin with.
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