Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1069 Spoilers Discussion

Who will fight Kizaru ?

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This is just not one piece problem. It is in general all manga problem. It is one thing if counters appear, but it is as if power gets reduced instead of something that overpowers the previous one. For example, G3 without haki broke iron door in enies lobby and same G3 post skip couldn't break mere candy wall. It is bullshit retcon.
They do that to open space up for future power ups.
so the characters continue to improve.
whoa Lucci is a monster
leopard vs sun god:laughmoji: Luffy immediately enters G5:luuh:luffy-bros:ihaha::risitasad:kingufy
Lucci clashes with G5:

random fodder reaction::snoopy:

Tanks G5 named move:

after tanking G5 named move negg diffs Sentomaru in a dominant manner

wtf Luffy-bros

Lucci face after clashing with G5 and taking named attack:
no fucks given
lol unique mythical sun god
This is just not one piece problem. It is in general all manga problem. It is one thing if counters appear, but it is as if power gets reduced instead of something that overpowers the previous one. For example, G3 without haki broke iron door in enies lobby and same G3 post skip couldn't break mere candy wall. It is bullshit retcon.
These kind of problems happen when story gets too long
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