With Sentomaru out (is he really?) the command of the 4 Seraphims goes to CP0. This means that CP0 + 4 Seraphims are a force the SHs have to deal with as long as they stay away from the Satellites...
So, half of the crew that is with Shaka (Sanji, Franky, Robin, Nami, Usopp) is out of trouble anyway, cause any approaching Seraphim would immediatly be commanded to be friendly.
In a sense, you could say that all of them + Shaka, Lilith, Edison & Pythagoras are out of the fighting game.
Luffy is facing Lucci and Jinbe/Chopper are escaping with Bonney. Here it all comes down to how many Seraphims are deployed to assist Lucci and how many are deployed to pursue Jinbe/Chopper.
This is a tough situation on both sides, but I think CP0 + Seraphims has the advantage.
Zoro & Brook are still chilling but they'll receive visits soon. A Seraphim? That would sure unload some weight and help Luffy's group...
But is ONE Seraphim enough for Zoro? I mean, Zoro knows Lunarian race really well, so numerical advantage would be necessary to force him on the ropes imo.
Also, Borsalino is on his way. He could either meet Luffy or even Zoro... and there are other characters that have to appear yet.
Drake, Smoker & Tashigi for sure.
And Kuma too...
This chapter really gave an adrenaline hit to the Arc. At the start of the chapter CP0 looked like the underdog, now SHs took that role. The incoming external forces are going to spice it up and balance it.
I'm looking forward to how this develops...