Sanji best girl/princess!
Thats an interesting possibility though, we kept talking about Sora being cloned here and in the rest of the community but never seen anyone suggest Stussy herself is a clone! Higurashi turned into a woman very similarly looking to Stussy too but the anime gave her a different colour BUT also, we know Vegapunk got the colour of the dragon form wrong when cloning Kaidos fruit, so maybe he could have gotten an eye colour wrong if Stussy was cloned or whoever Stussy was cloned from?
Du Feld suspected Stussy was much older than she looks or was wondering why she looked so young despite her apparently "advanced age",what if shes not de-aged or immortal but a clone as you suggested?
Given Judges expertise in cloning too, its a great question to why hasn't he tried to clone Sora? Even have clone backups of her? If Stussy turns out to be Soras clone, that would feel very ironic somehow! Lilith looks weirdly like Sora too but Sanji was lusting after Lilith this chapter at least, so thats a big Oedipus moment right there and thus a big no no lmao. Unless Oda wants to parody certain storylines in Star Wars and more so specifcially a certain Jojo storyline with a certain Jojo? *cough*