Which character is stronger ?

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all of the originals of the Serphims have a relations to the strawhats and at the end of the arc they will join the strawhats.
that goes for Bonney and Vegapunk as well.
Stussy might not be on the WG's side but i assume she is a villain after all. maybe the 10 BB's commander
lmao people think zoro , sanji , franky, brook vs kizaru fight happen without luffy ?
Did you guys keep playing with fire even there is warning sign.
‘Luffy alway get best stuff like goku fight strongest ones only.
Soro is like vegeta but better who fight second strongest or in group battle with luffy.
Why they shouldn´t?
because they aren't?
might as well say that Nami is top tier because "why shouldn't she?"
Lucci easily took down Sentomaru who is at least a high member in Marine, broke his adv CoA with his shigan
What? Sentomaru is a fucking captain. That's tashigi's rank.

You are basing Lucci being impressive on your headcanon of Sentomaru's strength? What did Sentomaru do?
We speak here about awakened users with rokushiki and haki, who is topping that power?
...What? Everyone topping who is stronger than those 2 jobbers

Do you think Kaku is stronger than rooftop Luffy before G5 because he has awakening and Luffy didn't? If not, I don't see your dumbass point here.
Veteran lvl characters? WsW would get beaten by these two less as what Jinbe did, perhaps even easier if we say that Lucci and Kaku are around Jinbe lvl
They are bellow Izo, which Jinbe is as well
Jinbe is clearly above Izo by portrayal...
What portrayal?

Izo beat CP0 1v2

Same CP0 trashed Drake(tobiroppo), Apoo and 2 numbers 2v4

Jinbe was fighting 1 Tobiroppo all war and almost lost because tobiroppo had help from fodder

"YC3">>Izo >>CP0>> Jinbe> Tobiroppo

Sasaki Kojirō

because they aren't?
might as well say that Nami is top tier because "why shouldn't she?"

What? Sentomaru is a fucking captain. That's tashigi's rank.

You are basing Lucci being impressive on your headcanon of Sentomaru's strength? What did Sentomaru do?

...What? Everyone topping who is stronger than those 2 jobbers

Do you think Kaku is stronger than rooftop Luffy before G5 because he has awakening and Luffy didn't? If not, I don't see your dumbass point here.

They are bellow Izo, which Jinbe is as well

What portrayal?

Izo beat CP0 1v2

Same CP0 trashed Drake(tobiroppo), Apoo and 2 numbers 2v4

Jinbe was fighting 1 Tobiroppo all war and almost lost because tobiroppo had help from fodder

"YC3">>Izo >>CP0>> Jinbe> Tobiroppo
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