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Doesn't matter which way I look I can't even comprehend the mindset of admiraltards
I mean in the whole series not a single admiral have ever defeated a top tier character fair and square
Sometime they gang up
Sometimes they run
Sometimes they pickup on weak ones
Sometimes they use underhand tactics
How can these fans still say that admirals are some shit??
The funny part about this is that we know Kaido backed off from Shanks at Marineford.

We might literally get a panel where Shanks wi-fi hakis Kaido in the future.
Cope, Kaidou valued Shanks as one of the people capable of fighting him and none of your marine cucks were on the list
Oda basically said it for us:
No one in the Marines besides Sengoku and Garp can fight Emperors.
"All admirals have better haki than Law"...

I mean, it's guesswork to think that the admirals' Haki is better than Law's... When the admirals didn't show anything advanced.

Big Mom also had better Haki than Law and Kid and was still "defeated".

Even though the admirals possess advanced Haki in some way, Law has the awakening...
I only see your desire to minimize Blackbeard being ironic when he is at least stronger than Kizaru from the data we have.
I mean one needed preparations for Old Rayleigh while old Rayleigh was said to be going toe-to-toe, the other would smoke Rayleigh alone with no preparation at all according to Rayleigh's own words.

Open your eyes, it's not unusual for Law to lose to Blackbeard whether it's medium or high difference, I'm sure an admiral would do worse against Law.

It's all speculation from you going around stating that just like Kaidou and Big Mom who could negate OPE OPE's Hax the admirals can do that too because in some hypothetical way we're assuming their Haki is superior to Law's, and then we'll say that they have better Haki than Zoro? When they never even showed to have a monstrous Haki.

Stop this stupid way of escalating power... Blackbeard was given a better portrayal than Kizaru and was literally placed above Kizaru by Rayleigh, and has Kuzan as an underling, but in some ways he is "weaker than the admirals". LMAO

Kizaru has no better feat than defeating the current Law, does Kizaru actually have any decent feats? Think about it.
the pre skip admirals all showed barrier CoA, Akainu and Aokiji showed signs of FS

Ryokugyu has a black blade and can bypass lunarian durability with his CoA

Fujitora uses CoO constantly in battle

Yes, they all have better haki than Law
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