Now this is Pure BB hating not even Shanks wank because I always said Shanks>Mihawk or Shanks>Ladmirals when people lowball him even predicted Kamusari. This little troll is just butthurt as usual due to BB greatness.
First of all Law>Kid.
-Law was running from BB, Law who escaped from Marineford, couldn't even run underwater because of BB's superior powers.
-Kid wasn't running from Shanks.
BB didn't need the Giants help, he left half of his crew somewhere else.
And BB always holds back at the beginning, BB didn't even show his awakening yet, Shanks showed his best techniques already. What Shanks will show? That was Shanks's best. BB still has awakening techniques and holding back toying his opponent. BB didn't even show his best Haki yet.
I predicted Shanks's 1 Kamusari can make Kizaru cry, did you ever predict even something close to that?
If you so sure Shanks can beat BB, Shanks could go to Hachinosu whenever he wanted like Garp did to save Koby. Somehow he never did. Just like Rayleigh knew he couldn't beat BB. Shanks knew couldn't beat him.

Insecure little Liar Liroyru just because BB scarred Shanks's eye and forever Shanks has BB PTSD this guy can't handle it.
Just like he can't handle getting kicked out of Yonko PM, because no one liked this little troll. You will have that Yonko PM PTSD forever. You are proven as a Liar since you never showed the posts that I asked for likes and you still have audacity to talk about me? Disgusting little liar.
We have no problem with Shanks just because you are a little liar who makes fun with Kaido, BB or Big mom we are not going to talk shit about Shanks.
You will be a pathetic liar who cried about getting kicked out of a Yonko PM.