El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Pizarro's DF's confusing. Is this some form of telekinesis or can he turn into an Island Man? Or both? Guess the images will answer this.

If I'm not mistaken, 3 TCs were with BB during his fight against Law and 4 of them + Kuzan are in Hachinosu. The other 3 that we didn't see are Laffitte, Devon and the tenth TC, right? Not sure but if it's the case, that means one of them or the 3 of them are near Egghead.
Bege + Pica that extends to the entire island but doesn't affect living beings in the island.

Formerly Seth

-Sword squad vs Blackbeard Pirates.
-The Blackbeard Pirates present are Shiryu, Vasco Shot, Pizarro and Wolf. And we have their fruits.
-Sword Squad, Hibari, Prince Gross and Kujaku (Tsuru's granddaughter).

and now:
-In the end, Garp joins the rest and destroys buildings with his fists and haki.

What the fuck was geezer doing? Oda really thinks this is impressive cause he gives him solo entrance destroying a building?
Luffy isn't his gradnson either,Garp probably didn't defend with haki not to hurt Luffy.
I believe in his prime Garp won't need a Haki defense at all. If Vergo and Doffy can toughen their durability without using Hardening most likely through CoA Garp should easily be able to do more in his prime.

Doffy took a canon to the face and was unharmed.
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