El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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That's why BM was clean after the war while the rest were bandaged
That's why no rocks was in critical state bar Xebec and Kaido

Post the panel of WB, BM, shiki running away?

WB and BM never suffered defeat there
Oda first shows us: Captain John, Wang Shi, Silver Axe, Shiki, BM, Kaido, WB, and such are all part of Xebec's crew. He shows them in a line up.

Oda then shows a panel of the actual matchup that took place against Xebec. And guess what it was? 4 vs 2. And who came out the winner? Garp and Roger.

I don't care about your headcanon of how that fight went. The reality is based on what we know, it was a 4 vs 2 match up of WB/Kaido/BM/Xebec vs Roger/Garp, with Shiki/Raylaigh/Gaban/other marines/etc fighting their own fights.
KKg overpower doffy and broke the town deep
Let KKG punch the town without anyone in the way to block it.

"Bunch of buildings"
Town level feat...
A lot of people shown such feats with haki or df while being Causal or serious

If this feat is all it takes to wank Prime Garp over Yonko then the bar is top silly low.
I will say, that dirrect punch when launched attack should be much much much stronger. What Garp showed was dealing crazy AOE from distance by using attack that can deal damage in close combat.
Just a reminder.... Garp feat looks great... but his AP was matched by Don Chinjao and Gear 3....

We know that Gear 3 can destroy a mountain, but the AoE aint that big.
People underrated Chinjao who has shown country level DC in prime.
He was matching prime garp AP/DC, forced him to train
Even then Garp struggled a bit to overpower Prike Chinjao to win in one blow.
People underrated Chinjao who has shown country level DC in prime.
He was matching prime garp AP/DC, forced him to train
Even then Garp struggled a bit to overpower Prike Chinjao to win in one blow.
And Luffy matched that with Gear 3, the problem is that it doesnt have AoE
I mean it didn't though...it knocked over about a dozen buildings, it didn't even destroy them.
Nah i just respond back then others get their feelings hurt and play victim and somehow I’m getting spam reported and threatened to get banned :/

Somehow I’m always in the wrong when people bother me first
Cause you're baiting people with shitty agenda fueled posts.
22 years ago : Prime Garp (upper-mid top tier) & Prime Sengoku(upper-mid top tier) needed high diff to beat Shiki (high top tier) in 2v1
This man really thinks that Sengoku + Garp vs Shiki, destroying half of Marineford is a high-diff fight... after just witnessing that Garp's single punch could destroy half of Marineford. My guy they STOMPED Shiki lmao.

Our boy JoNdule is broken. Get this brother some ER.

Like someone said...Gura seems useless now since everyone can make quake like attacks now with adcoc or Law df
When it comes fight time with BB we will see crazy shit .
We have a idea of how broken it can be , won't surprise me if we see islands getting destroy in that luffy and bb fight .
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