El CLASICO TIME, who is gonna win? Barcelona or Real Madrid?

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Why would Akainu rebel against the gorosei?

He's done literally everything they asked for.

Blowing up Ohara no mercy. Killing Vegapunk.

But it's hilarious how people think Akainu opposes the Gorosei, because they got into an argument once. Lol.
Akainu wanted to be big boss because he thought he'd make a difference in the fight against pirates. But ever since he got the desk job, he's had to swallow more and more stuff going against his principles. He's soon going to reach a boiling point once he finds out that the pirates might not be entirely in the wrong, and, worse yet, that most of the injustice he sees in the world today was caused by a puppeteer in the shadows trying to play King of the World.
They have the same goals, only opposite ways to get there. That's what the battle on Punk Hazard was all about. They both want justice, only Akainu would go to any extent to get it, including killing civilians. Faced with a threat as large as BB resurrecting Rocks' will, they might agree on a "you do your thing, I do mine, as long as we stop him" kind of deal, one from inside the WG, the other independently.
But Kuzan doesn’t believe Sakazuki ideals are Justice.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
He literally said if he had captured Law he would talk about Rosinante with him. Even if he didn’t let him go he would be friendly with him

Anyways I doubt Sengoku shows up here. If he was on the ship with Garp we would’ve known by now. He’s probably looking for Drake
Because of Rosinante not because he care about Low.
He used his retirement as excuse but I bet he was just happy they took down Doflamingo.
He don't even know Low why would he care about him?!
Akainu wanted to be big boss because he thought he'd make a difference in the fight against pirates. But ever since he got the desk job, he's had to swallow more and more stuff going against his principles. He's soon going to reach a boiling point once he finds out that the pirates might not be entirely in the wrong, and, worse yet, that most of the injustice he sees in the world today was caused by a puppeteer in the shadows trying to play King of the World.

But Sakazuki clearly doesn't just hates pirates. He shows no mercy to anyone who simply asks questions.

Vegapunk and Ohara weren't pirates and he still went all out.

Akainu killing Vegapunk and killing the world's greatest scientist who can increase living standards?

That is injustice.

Akainu is willing to destroy 800 years of technological advancement over a guy just asking questions.
That is his understanding of justice. Maintain the WG status quo at all costs because he believes only the WG can keep the peace. But that in itself is a lie.
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Ace didn't follow the Marine Way it's why.

The simpler and more logical explanation is that he's just a bootlicker.

Akainu fans love making up this completely new character out of nowhere.
this... which not many people are saying the fact that this is a damn air punch is insane vs doffy impact from being launched being the cause in dressrosa
Yea, the best way to think of it is if doffy got hit by this the shock wave and it levels the city and then launches him.
Jozu ate that like nothing. Garp would do damage to Jozu similar to he did vs Marco. So Garp is better than Mihawk but BB is much better than both.
Well yea, Garp's attack has ACoC and armament
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