''(Shiryuu) I'm of the belief that it's someone from the government. The truth is, the World Government is real shady deep down. If they held onto one of the stones...
The pirates wouldn't be able to reach the One Piece.''
If the government has that, then they can't find One Piece without defeating Government.
So the final battle is before finding One Piece.
@Erkan12 @Blackbeard
BB definitely has no clue about immortality. I guess I overestimated BBs knowledge on DFs.
''Well then! I'm conflicted, should I -sell- the Ope Ope no Mi, or should I -use- it...
Can it even make me immortal?! ''
Who took the bigger L, BB hater you or Lee who thought Aokiji was partners with BB?
BB didn't apologize to Ace for his crewmates behaviour

Aokiji told him he'd sent them to the ice age and negged 2 of them right in front of BB

And Oda even explains that Kuzan chose to follow BB because they have the same intention and BB has a crew/plan already ready not because he's inferior
Kuzan was definitely > BB in that flashback and still is
Only 3 DF BB that will beat Shanks will surpass Kuzan
He didn't attack Ace after Ace attacked him with Hiken, you want him to apologize for getting hit by Ace, Aokiji didn't attack BB that's the difference, and told his crew back off. He admitted he committed a crime by killing Thatch, he was being a gentlemen to Ace as well.
Same shit, they were sitting on the bar of course he will say for his crewmate wants to attacking him lmao.
You are retarded at this point to think Aokiji would become an underling to someone who isnt stronger than him.