Let them be. They're exposing themselves, but we must admit this is an L for us.

I only see a huge W when Oda narratively puts Mihawk as the "Power" part of the Pirate King requirements.
Oda really systematically takes out all the "bad" and old era marines and the non PK contenders. At EoS there are only going to be good marines left and the Revos that have overtaken the Government.
@ConquistadoR If we hadn't enough 10/10 storylines already, we get one more. Do you think we might get a Sengoku vs Mihawk fight? Or are they going to send in Greenbull or Fujitora?
@ConquistadoR If we hadn't enough 10/10 storylines already, we get one more. Do you think we might get a Sengoku vs Mihawk fight? Or are they going to send in Greenbull or Fujitora?
Ex Shichibukai Marine Hunter vs Anti-Shichibukai Admiral (Swordsman vs Swordsman)
Crocodile vs the man who was credited with stopping Crocodile in Alabasta (Logia vs Logia).