Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1085 Spoilers Discussion

Who's the final villain?

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Bonney role is crying.
Robin is background character who most of the time just giggle and do nothing,
Shirahoshi is a plot device and hasn't done anything outside of her arc
Hancock is irrelevant
Nami single outfit is more relevant than Hancock
you calling robin a background character that does nothing ok i guess reading road poneglyph to locate laugh tale is doing nothing
and since you wanna call shirahoshi plot device nami is one too

Formerly Seth

Rouge and Roger are both Ds yet had a child

Being from same clan doesn't mean you're distant cousins or close
They're related as they have common ancienr ancestor but not cousins!
Not only that.

Not every D. must be related.

Oda pushed himself into a corner with this.

I am fucking waiting for him to try and explain how BB and Luffy are cousins.

Either someone wasn't a faithful wife or Oda simply fucked up.

Guess which one is correct XD.
@Blother Fertitta out of all of the people that Imu's been seen collecting pictures of, Shirashoshi is the only one who isn't a D.

Thoughts on what this means? Maybe she and the rest of her family are secret Ds?
I feel like Ds are treated very seriously
King Neptune and his sons were Grade A Level clowns, including Shirahoshi herself

One thing for sure raises a question, how the fuck does Imu know that she’s Poseidon
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