Hopefully we stick to Garp vs Blackbeard Pirates till conclusion (looking at the ending though, I doubt it, Oda likes cutting away to build anticipation and just in general to divert attention elsewhere). Regardless I hope this battle continues to have really hype moments while we see one of the manga's most praised characters (strengthwise) finally let lose on-panel for an extended period. Old age or not, Garp's a beast.
No knock on Aokiji either, Garp was the strongest Marine in his prime and he's just showcasing he hasn't lost as much steam as some expected. Aokiji's fruit is still one of the most powerful in the series and his haki sounds impressive but Garp's Garp.
Eten doesn't even do spoilers anymore and I could care less what she thinks anyway.
Oda never drew a direct physical fight. I go by what Oda says or does. And he never showed them fighting.
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