Does Coby have COC?

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Just to clear it up Pizzaro did not actually break/ lose his real arm

when he’s in devil fruit mode his arm and real body also got turned into an island

the spoiler made it seem like he permentatly lose his arm

he’s basically a logia who takes damage like katakuri
Really People still say this about katakuri, he has the same basic abilities as a logia.


U was clowning me for sayin Sanji vs pizaroo but got Sanji going against the right hand man. Lmao u a clown I don’t need to explain shit, u were the condescending one with that reply. Don’t be mad cause yo sorry ass got called out
Right Hand Man is Burgess.

Shiryuu was the second on that panel because Aokiji wasn't revelead to be the Tenth Captain yet.

Teach is the Captain. Aokiji the second strongest. Shiryuu the third. He is Sanji's match.
BB went to Amazon Lily so he can kidnap Hancock so instead he kidnaps Koby, then ends up having a skirmish with Law where Law escaped and now Koby escaped too, so what was the point of this subplot? Lmao!!!! Oda and his ADHD writing man.

Yet again I am absolutely right thread nothing fucking happened! Another pointless skirmish. Skirmishes disguised as fights. Absolutely pointless filler subplots man. No consequences. Just skirmishes and everyone ends up being fine. Subplots that lead to nowhere.
Are you shiting me BB has garp thats a bigger deal than having coby.


Didn't Luffy develop Gomu Gomu no Pistol by punching a rock?

did he do that by copying Garp's training style?

but he cheated using Devil Fruit powers, so his punch is different? lol

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
we need raws to see if it's Adv. CoC

Black Lightning also shows up for normal hardening attacks too
I have seen nothing from Oda that proves to me the Raws will definitively prove which Haki it is.

We'll be arguing about this all over the break because Oda never bothered to make a system to actually differentiate CoA and CoC. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Right Hand Man is Burgess.

Shiryuu was the second on that panel because Aokiji wasn't revelead to be the Tenth Captain yet.

Teach is the Captain. Aokiji the second strongest. Shiryuu the third. He is Sanji's match.
bruh...Burgess got folded by Sabo lol Aokiji is the strongest after BB and Shyriu is the takes the third spot str wise.
Also my mistake if Luffy is truly in strong position and made egghead his base.

Its likely seraphims retreated and marines have lost the battle in epililogue.

Only shocking part i see if Gorosei member actually lost. I wonder Morgan held it on purpose.


I have seen nothing from Oda that proves to me the Raws will definitively prove which Haki it is.

We'll be arguing about this all over the break because Oda never bothered to make a system to actually differentiate CoA and CoC. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Well, with punches / physical attacks / blunt weapons we usually see that force field around the attack, which makes them strike from afar. Like we saw with Luffy and Kaido.

If it's with a sword, then we see it leaking with thicker lines, like Shanks, Zoro and Oden.

I think it's easy to see it.


massive Koby W

is Oda setting up the Koby, Grus and Helmeppo trio to be the new Admirals? who knows!

what a fucking cliffhanger for a break week, god dammit

anyway, great chapter

also, Garp is alive
Talk about a downgrade lol.

From magma, ice and light to clay is ridiculous lol
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