Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Admirals are top tiers and more 'competent' and 'versatile' fighters than yonkos. Raw strength is waste without competence. For example. Bigmom's raw strength is higher than all admirals but she is shit from a combat perspective.
BM is a ball of stats except shes not really a ball, more like a triangle hanging on a rope that doesnt know whats going on. If she fights straight brawlers she looks good. Against anyone mobile and maneuverable and she starts getting memed on.
It the easiest way to nerf luffy .
I love OP but Oda has been using run out of gas in some way for all of luffy power up even before time skip .
Got find some way to nerf him and this is easy and lazy way .
More like 'cheapest' way. G3 drawback is not running out of gas but turning himself into chibi version. G5 should culminate the drawback of G4 but if G5 has same drawback as G4, then it is confirmed that Oda brain stopped thinking.
More like 'cheapest' way. G3 drawback is not running out of gas but turning himself into chibi version. G5 should culminate the drawback of G4 but if G5 has same drawback as G4, then it is confirmed that Oda brain stopped thinking.
G5 has no defined time limit and it shouldn't have drawbacks in the long term, since it's Luffy’s natural power unlike the other Gears.

I guess for now it'll be taxing on Luffy’s stamina, but even then he can just reactivate it like we saw against Kaido.
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