Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Mid or high diff.

Kidd is stronger than he was in Wano and would crack out the rail gun from the start.

Shanks power cliffed Big Mom really hard I won’t lie
Shanks was serious and bloodlustedand landed a clean hit on Kidd. Id say its pretty unfair to say he powercliffed her when she wad fighting 1vs2 vs a guy as hax as law who is like a very op support for any fighter.

Kidd may be stronger or not but the difference should be minimal. And dont forget she had both las and kidd on the ground with both their crews asking her for mercy. I think she mid diffs him if she doesnt go meme mode.

And its fine by me as I dont expect her to have the AP of a swordsman like Shanks who focuses only in Haki. Shes a more well rounded fighter.
Bro please don't say that , all I said I didn't hear from my source it might be true lol , and it's just spoilers no need for that harassments
Vegapank is right this time

I doubt Kizaru would defeat Sentomaru like it meant shit for him

He literally told Saturn that he was willing to face Sentomaru because he respects him


When were you under the impression this game is..
it's simple
A nerfed Yonko as a child is shown as someone who even attains the rank of Fleet Admiral
But the prime admiral who fights for the position of fleet admiral becomes only a commander
There are more examples that I will make a thread if Kizaru takes L:myman:
Nerfed? And its the potential she had. Not the power level she was at at that moment.
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