Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Gorosei Informer

anyone understood the buccaneers hint from redon? i think it refers to rocks pirates arriving in god valley. the term buccaneers was used to refer to the pirates of the caribbean. maybe rocks has a jack sparrow theme, i would love that honestly
Same here, I'd fucking love that too. Both Jaya and Hachinosu gave me vibes of Tortuga bigtime. I've always wanted to see a Jack Sparrow-esque character in OP, I thought that might be Shanks but not so much anymore post Marineford especially imo.

I could see Xebec having some kind of Pirate Code enforced system, holding meeting between pirates like the meeting of the Warlords that the WG does and and thus this also led to how the Rocks Pirates were formed too.

Given Davy Back Fights originated from Hachinosu too I believe, where the Rocks Pirates made their base too, it would be AMAZING if Xebec assembled the most powerful crew ever by DAVY BACK FIGHTS of all things!

Given Buggys charisma and somehow constantly failing upwards and succeeding "accidentally", he feels like what the modern day Xebec could be like potentially, maybe Xebec was somewhat like Buggy but mixed with Blackbeard too?

Speaking of Blackbeard too, I got GPT to write a funny script about a funny headcanon I have for him too:

Title: Blackbeard's Not-So-Clever Obsession

[Scene: The crew of Blackbeard's ship, including Laffite, Auger, and Shiryu, are gathered on the deck. Blackbeard stands proudly in front of them.]

Blackbeard: [Smirking] Ahoy, me hearties! Today, we celebrate me brilliant plan to kidnap Pudding, the potential Poneglyph reader!

Laffite: [Clapping enthusiastically] Bravo, Captain! Your cunning knows no bounds!

Auger: [Nodding] Truly a stroke of genius, Captain.

Shiryu: [Smiling] You've outdone yourself, Teach.

[Blackbeard basks in the praise for a moment before he suddenly turns serious.]

Blackbeard: [Pauses dramatically] But you know, that's not the real reason I wanted Pudding.

Laffite: [Confused] Captain?

Auger: [Raises an eyebrow] What do you mean?

Shiryu: [Curious] Pray, enlighten us.

Blackbeard: [Grinning mischievously] I wanted her for her three eyes!

[The crew falls silent, exchanging puzzled glances.]

Laffite: [Raises an eyebrow] Three eyes, Captain?

Auger: [Baffled] But Captain, that's not—

Shiryu: [Interrupting] I think he's serious, guys.

Blackbeard: [Chuckling] Indeed, I am! And that's not all. I've got my eye on others with a "three" connection!

Laffite: [Sighs] Please, do tell, Captain.

Blackbeard: [Excited] I want to kidnap Zoro for his three-sword style! Imagine the power!

Auger: [Facepalms] Captain, he's a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. They're incredibly strong!

Shiryu: [Shaking his head] This is madness.

Blackbeard: [Unfazed] Madness, you say? Madness has a method, me hearties! And I want Sanji too!

Laffite: [Annoyed] Sanji? Why, Captain?

Blackbeard: [Grinning] Because he's the third son of Judge and the third in command of Luffy's crew! A triple threat!

Auger: [Facepalms again] Captain, this is getting ridiculous.

Shiryu: [Irritated] We're supposed to be after the One Piece, not collecting threes!

Blackbeard: [Laughing] Oh, but there's more! I've got my eye on the Cerberus from Thriller Bark!

Laffite: [Exasperated] The Cerberus, Captain? Really?

Blackbeard: [Nodding enthusiastically] Yes! Three heads, you see! It's perfect!

[The crew stares at Blackbeard in disbelief, their expressions a mixture of frustration and bewilderment.]

Auger: [Muttering] I can't believe this.

Shiryu: [Shaking his head] We've gone from pirates to collectors of threes.

Laffite: [Resigned] Well, Captain, at least your plans are always... interesting.

Blackbeard: [Smirking] That's the spirit! Now, let's set sail for our next "threemendous" adventure!

[Blackbeard's crew exchanges another round of bewildered glances as they reluctantly follow their eccentric Captain on his bizarre quest for the number three.]

[End of the scene]

Gorosei Informer

He did appear in a hood and somehow snuck his way into the Goroseis chambers directly too. We know they're top tiers now too, so its even a MUCH bigger and crazier feat by him in hindsight, not to mention all the Holy Knights around and thus his relative Garling too ofc!

People wearing hooded cloaks tends to symbolise with cults and thus satanic rituals too, coincidence? Maybe thats why Shanks' anger has been described as so utterly unstoppable, terrifying and such? Because it's truly hellish in wrath? The devils fury incarnate?

Also Brook is from the West Blue like Shanks and Robin, Robin who has been depicted as a literal demon/succubus/devil whatever lately and been called a demon child for most of her life and during the timeskip, a cult tried to summon the Devil and got Brook instead! Brook became able to tap into the literal underworld through his devil fruit after this too!

Also from the West Blue we have Thriller Bark, Ohara, Kano Kuni, Lafitte, Jozu, Daz Bones, San Juan Wolf, Shanks ofc, Hina (no actual truly strong/powerful/important Marines though weirdly enough), Capone etc.

Things could get VERY interesting here and I'm sure they will ofc. Oda is heavily inspired by Journey to The West and the sun does rise in the east and sets in the west too, as someone else mentioned here earlier too ofc (Sun Luffy and Moon Shanks/Garling).

This guy has an AMAZING theory about Shanks, the Journey to The West influences on OP, West Blue etc too imo:

He also predicted Wano having time travel, Momo being aged up, Kanjuro being a traitor, all WAY before they happened canonically too!
The heck is this thing about your race being terminated if you don't win ? :kaidowhat: WG is reaching new level of evil this is becoming a straight-up comical, at this point it doesn't even make sense why you have good-hearted marines working for them, Oda. Not even the most vile/outlaws pull that type of stuff.
The only explanation is the WG is too strong for the Marines to rebel against.

Gorosei Informer

No wonder the Red Haired pirates are purely humans.
I knew it wasnt coincidence. No women, no other races except humans and a monkey lol. Aside from Rockstar too I think, they're all the same skin colour too?

Shanks and Zoro are gonna be best buddies! /s

Kinda ironic Judge was exiled from the WG then too I guess lol.

Post automatically merged:

I blame @DruMzTV for the recent lags here. He had to leave that female Revo "luffys mom" in the Spoilers thread uncofirmed.

just watch the "Revo Woman" actually her (the real one not Bonney)

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