Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Gorosei bros? We fucking won! It is OVER!

Saturn literally tells a Marine "lol, could have dodged that attack easily" and just heals the fucking damage. He then fucking eye-diffs Sanji.

He is also CONFIRMED immortal. He looks exactly the same as almost 40 years ago, that shit is not natural. Man, we are about to FEAST on the cope clown's meltdown this week!
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See, Your LUFFYHATING AND DOWNPLAYING agenda is blooming again. lol
I am glad that Zoro is not near Saturn. Zoro would have negged him right???:myman:
Lmao , It's y'all who's downplaying Kizaru .. over reacting.
I'm stating facts , Luffy never wins without taking L's.

I didn't even bring Zoro in the conversation you did lol. Trying to change the subject when it was the time to accept it's Luffy who took the L?
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