Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Lol Saturn essentially confirming that Kizaru is actually holding back because hes conflicted.

That whole scenario is playing out as expected, Oda put him and Luffy on ice.

Once Kizaru doesnt have to "feel" conflicted (I assume itll be when Saturn just tells him to focus on Luffy), the real fight starts.
Nothing is going to happen to Sentamru, Bonney and VP. Oda needs to fuck off with this fake ass tension. If he doesn't want to do that then offscreen this filler nonsense fight if Kizaru isn't going to go all out. 26 years in and yall still making up the same excuses for this so-called "fights" disguised as skirmishes where nothing happens to anyone.
Seriously speaking, I think all this show was just to give Saturn the focus for a moment, having both Kizaru and Luffy not able to do what they should have.

When the Robot arrives, we will have also serious Kizaru vs serious Luffy.
Nah serious Luffy vs serious Saturn is the big fight of egg head kizaru gonna fight some fodders probably the new monster trio
Are we finally meeting Luffy's mother named Jinny? :amazing:

So, she was a slave, and likely dead because of the Celestial Dragons. She possibly is the one who started the revo's. Luffy already hates the CD's but he will be further motivated by revenge now.

I hope the CD's suffer greatly. I can't think of any characters I hate more atm.

Shanks is a CD confirmed. I never trusted him, and my intuition was right. He is not a hero, he's a villain.

As for being found as a baby by Roger, I'd like to throw out a theory that a previous holder of Bonny's fruit used it on Shanks. That he's actually older than we think and that it was a way to get into Roger's crew.
The man whose anger they feared
@ShishioIsBack said it correctly. They were rather concerned about world balance and they rather wanted to enrage Kaido than letting Luffy to awake his DF.

Imu fodderized Sabo with a basic move and this dude is at least comparable to Law and Kidd. Kaido will never do something like that.

Saturn also one shot Sanji with no issues, so he's at least on their level.
Katakuri won then :
  • Was up after snakeman Luffy's finisher
  • Got up 10 min later
  • Still conscious and talking when Luffy escapes
I guess Katakuri vs Luffy didn't end since katakuri was never KOed completely by Luffy
He was only unable to move/fight again

People still don't understand that you lose the fight if you can't move/fight again
Doesn't matter if you're conscious and talking.

Kizaru lost...
Will he fight Luffy again? Maybe
But with Saturn being this hax...we will get Saturn vs Nika Luffy soon
Saturn is not only Pirate king level+ but also grade A Roaster

Dude called man who supposedly moves at Speed of Light "Unusually Slow"

I am already a fan
Exactly. The fact that Saturn is using the word "slow" to describe the L he just took has to be the most embarrassing thing about how he got turned into a potato by one named attack, since his fruit allows him to literally travel at the speed of light. Guys come on, don't let these Larine fans hide behind their copium canisters, now is the time to strike!
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