Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1096 Spoilers Discussion

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Here's the rest of the summary:

1096 Spoilers:
- massive lameass flashback about god valley,
- Ginny dies in a panel, goodbye!
- Xebec not there because he's just a shadow, Garlic kills people with his bad odour though
- Dragon flees with the slaves, the start of the revolutionaries
- Last page Kuma saves Bonney and dies
- Kizaru gets up and lasers Saturn's ass
- Enel is back and activated the ancient robot
- the ancient robot plays the heart beat rythm which wake up Luffy in G5
Well CP and the Navy have to work together quite a lot. Having someone that oversees the two can be very important
Doesn't seem like the Navy (or at least high ranked members of the Navy) actually have to go through the Commander-in-Chief as an intermediary for operations with CP though. If I remember right, Aokiji single handedly made the decision to give Spandam Buster Call authority for CP's operation.
No we don't but either do the job right or not at all. Show me once in the Naruto and Bleach leak days where a leaker held back because they think they knew what was best for readers.
Those were the times, the BIG THREE MANGA!

3 awesome chapters each Friday! What times. So nostalgic!

I refuse to read Boruto.

At least we got the bleach anime to look forward to, there's no white background every panel
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