Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1096 Spoilers Discussion

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Oda drawing a bunch of characters but with zero plot progression. These characters dialogues are equivalent to "Hey, what's up, I don't like you" then nothing happens between them then Oda cuts to the next scene where the same thing occurs again. Idk how Oda constantly gets away with chapters that are 90% filler.
There not zero plot progression , yes big part of the chapter seem like fan service since we won't see the whole god valley flash back yet .
Still we found out that jinny is who call the pirates so they can escape .
Kuma get to eat his DF but almost not get away until pirates came .
Now they free on a island .
I mean they have been around for 800 years it make sense if have fair amount that can fight .
The elders being monster even make a bigger case for that .
I just think the five elders and the Garling family are special among the CDs. But who knows there might be more fighters among them.
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