One Piece Chapter 1097: "Ginny"

Who is Bonney?

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What if Ginny wasn't taken by the Marines or the Celestial Dragons,but some other pirate group?Chapter said it was an unexpected enemy,what if Big Mom got Ginny to try and capture Kuma?She wanted to have all the races in her kindgom. She mentioned 3 races were missing:Lunarians are one,Buccaneer is probably another one and the third one is a ?.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Menacing Kuma the Tyrant from Thriller Bark >>> ultra-good guy Kuma from flashback. :lusalty:
I seriously hope that after Ginny's death, he goes on a rampage that justifies "the Tyrant" at least a little bit.

I guess the flashback will last at least another chapter. The interesting part is that if nobody absorbs the bubbles that Kuma expels, they will return to their place of origin. Makes you wonder when he expelled his own memories that Bonney found on Egghead and if they will return to Kuma once he lands on the island...

I love you tying Kuma's bubbles remaining with Kuma returning to Egghead to regain his memories, that's such an interesting idea. Would love to see that.

Since Kuma and Zoro have a connection from the past, I think Zoro may save Kuma at some point in this arc, and I'd love to see them get a tag-team attack in on Saturn.

It's possible Vegapunk created some kind of technology to hold Kuma's memories in place in Egghead until Kuma returned. In that case, Kuma was returning to Egghead to regain his memories, possibly due to a signal from Vegapunk (I'd imagine Shaka).
Ginny being Bonney could be possibility , some of the theories are interesting. Kuma erased her memories and changed her identity to Bonney to avoid govt persecution. She probably deaged her self back as kid.
Bonney being Ginny could be possibility.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Good Garps career is hypocritical.
Dragon sees a Celestial Dragon doing some murde and slavery: "Yeah, I'm leaving the Marines, tolerating this level of inhumanity and evil means reducing yourself to a monster yourself, and I want true justice."

Garp sees God Valley: "I'm turning down my promotion."

Like. It's so clear who is actually in the right here.

Dragon's subordinates are TOTALLY do or die for him. His followers love him and believe in his cause fully.

Every person Garp has trained not named Koby, Helmeppo, and possibly Bogard has defected from him, including Luffy, Ace, I guess Sabo (lol), Dragon, and Aokiji.

Present day Luffy, Sabo, Dragon, Aokiji, and Ace with two more years of training would be such a fucking broken unit, Garp fumbled ALL OF THAT. And Dragon? Has the GOATS Iva-chan and Kumachi on his side, and they've stuck with him for literal decades.

This is the difference between Dragon and Garp: Garp follows an organization he himself doesn't believe him, so his followers leave him. Dragon BUILT an organization people could believe in, and so his followers are totally loyal to him. I love how Oda has portayed Dragon and Garp as opposites narratively.

Garp built the new generation, just not in the way he wanted to, LOLOLOLOLOL.
Man, I aint the one asking to cite sources n shit. I'm just saying that going "They look alike" is kinda weak for basis for "they're the same person" theory when so many girls in OP look alike.
It wasn't by that alone.

Some characters look more alike than others and you can tell the similarities. Oda does put in those type of details.
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@Sir Yasheen @RebelliousSoma what are we guys doing if Bonney turns out to be actually Ginny?
Wait you keep addressing me the wrong way on this topic.

I presented this as a theory early on in this thread before you actually and then I got lots of quote posts telling me I am wrong and assuming too much.
Dragon sees a Celestial Dragon doing some murde and slavery: "Yeah, I'm leaving the Marines, tolerating this level of inhumanity and evil means reducing yourself to a monster yourself, and I want true justice."

Garp sees God Valley: "I'm turning down my promotion."

Like. It's so clear who is actually in the right here.

Dragon's subordinates are TOTALLY do or die for him. His followers love him and believe in his cause fully.

Every person Garp has trained not named Koby, Helmeppo, and possibly Bogard has defected from him, including Luffy, Ace, I guess Sabo (lol), Dragon, and Aokiji.

Present day Luffy, Sabo, Dragon, Aokiji, and Ace with two more years of training would be such a fucking broken unit, Garp fumbled ALL OF THAT. And Dragon? Has the GOATS Iva-chan and Kumachi on his side, and they've stuck with him for literal decades.

This is the difference between Dragon and Garp: Garp follows an organization he himself doesn't believe him, so his followers leave him. Dragon BUILT an organization people could believe in, and so his followers are totally loyal to him. I love how Oda has portayed Dragon and Garp as opposites narratively.

Garp built the new generation, just not in the way he wanted to, LOLOLOLOLOL.