Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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No mental gymnastics mate. Age age fruit= you become that age. Like Nami smoked Momo for trying to hug her. Body is aged. No matter what you say or that stupid Morj says not knowning how the fruit works and then degrading is not nice.
This is just talking out of one's ass.
oh my god...

you realize she still has the mind of a child right?
Since Bonney was a baby, she is 12(13 max) years old then.

TBH I thought Jinney would be rescued and Kuma and they would have Bonney. I expected Jinney to die, but not like this.

I knew bad things were going to happen since Kuma has to become a tyrant king and then become an android and be a slave of the WG. But I didn't expect that it would become worse than what I thought. Holy fuck

Gorosei Informer

Someone should make a remake of "how high will your ceiling go" with Oda in Luffy's place and put in the ceiling Epstein and co
OH GOD! I think ive seen an edit like that, I'm sure Piratefolk will make one regardless if they havent already before!

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