Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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He already showed us through Mjosgard and Doffy's family that they aren't inherently evil. Growing up getting told that you can get whatever you desire and that other humans are a completely different species from you will fuck you up completely.
Yup, the whole point of Otohime and the donquixote line is that the CDs are not lost causes. They can be reformed. Killing them all goes against what Oda set up earliern
Because your fears were realized or....?:gokulaugh:
What fears? The only thing I have a fear of is heights.
What’s bad about it?
It's really fucking stupid that he made Ginny to basically just be raped give birth to Bonney then die
Even worse that he sexualized Bonney so many times and tries to justify it by using the age fruit as a scapegoat
Not only does is he writing generic, annoying backstories, but he's still being an absolute jackass and refusing to let one female character to anything outside of looking sexy, or, in the children's case, looking cute and crying a lot (i.e Tama).
He already showed us through Mjosgard and Doffy's family that they aren't inherently evil. Growing up getting told that you can get whatever you desire and that other humans are a completely different species from you will fuck you up completely.
this. also, the god's knights punish and even KILL celestial dragons who try to break the wheel and be decent people (hyoming and esp. mjosgard).

dope username btw :catblush:
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